Join the team
Do you want to join KnoxFS?
As KnoxFS is a community driven project, we fully rely on the support of our team members. We are looking to grow and strenghthen our core team. If you are interested in contributing to the project, please take a look at the specific roles we have available. If you have the right skillset and experience, please contact us at or via one of our teammembers on Telegram or Discord.
Product development: Developers who are able to contribute to Filestreams (maintenance, security, new features) and support KFX wallets (upgrades) and chain.
Web development: Support KnoxFS website and related websites (Filestreams), implement new design and functionality. Manage webhosting.
Design: Implement KnoxFS brand design, create banners, marketing material, etc.
Marketing: Create and execute a marketing plan for KnoxFS. Generate exposure and publicity, publish content, organize contests/airdrops/giveaways, initiate AMA's
Exchanges/listings: Create a market and trade plan for KFX coin and wKFX token. Select exchanges, manage communication with exchanges, setup LP's, manage and monitor trade volume and liquidity, manage and maintain CMC and Coingecko listings
Content: Create blogs, FAQ, tutorials, promo video's, whitepaper, etc.
Community: Manage main social channels (Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Facebook), offer technical support to users, keep out bots/scammers from the channels, make it easy for new users to join our channels, support promotion campaigns, inspire other users.
Partnerships Actively persue owners of product that would fit in the KFX Ecosystem and inform them about KnoxFS, encouraging them to implement KFX into their product.
Last updated