The tokenomics of $KFX
Last updated
The tokenomics of $KFX
Last updated
These are the formal technical specifications of our native coin KFX. Please see the block explorer to know what the last created block is and the current circulating supply. To know the estimated ROI on staking and masternodes, we refer to third party coinranking sites.
Coin name: KnoxFS
Ticker: KFX
Algorithm PoS
Block reward: Variable (Table Below)
Masternode Collateral: 1000 KFX
Masternode reward: 75% Staking (POS) reward: 5% Development Fund: 20 %
Block Time: 2 min
Minimum Staking Age: 12 hours
Minimum Staking Amount: > 50 KFX
Coins Coin Maturity: 61 Confirmations
Maximum Supply: 5 000 000 KFX
Premine 350 000 KFX
Block explorer: https://explorer.knoxfs.com/ or https://chainz.cryptoid.info/kfx/
Reward distribution table: