What is the purpose of KnoxFS and for what reason does the project exist?
KnoxFS was founded with the sole purpose to develop a filestorage platform that would enble users to save their files decentralized. Meaning that they would not have to trust their files to one single company (ie. Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple) but use a peer-to-peer method to spread their data across multiple servers without the risk of one single company to own and control that data.
Although our goal has altered these past years, we still strongly believe in the power of decentralized storage and in a growing demand for products that utilize a decentralized way of storing data. In the digital era that we live in, secure storage is not the only thing that is important. Data security and privacy are equally important. Therefor KnoxFS does not want to focus solely on decentralized storage, but also on data security, backup, and privacy. It is our mission to help users choose the right products to secure and protect their personal files and data. We do this by creating a large portfolio of digital products (SaaS solutions, mobile- and web-apps) that people can use to secure their files and data. Wheter these products are owned by KnoxFS or by third parties does not matter. What matters, is that people can use the KFX token to pay for the products, but they can also earn tokens in various ways. By rewarding users with tokens, we can introduce them to certain products and incentivize them to secure their data or store their files. For example; Users will receive free KFX tokens when they use a VPN to secure their internetconnection. These same tokens can then be used to pay for an IPFS storage plan on Filestreams. KFX can be used to cross-promote various products and to create awareness on safe storage, privacy and data security.
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